Saturday, August 26, 2006

Are You Happy Now!

Well I guess I've done pretty good. Three posts in one day after not having posted anything since I created this blog over a year ago. Amy, I hope you enjoy the pictures, I did it for you, and because I like to look at my wedding pictures. : ) Ya'll will have to bear with me I just figured out how to post pictures and I'm still figuring out how to align everything, so if it looks a little crazy, deal with it. LOL

Well, according to Amy I've been tagged, so here are my answers for you Amy. I hope you know I only did this because I love you. : )

Took preface these answers, I'm not much of a reader, so the sheer fact that I actually read some of these books is a great feat for me, so I hope you appreciate it. : ) I do have to admit the books I have read have made an impact on my life, so it wasn't in vain.

Ok now to my answers:

One book that changed my life:
Well I hate to sound like a broken record, but to echo Amy and Christina, I would have to say Seeing and Savouring Jesus Christ. It's just one of those books that sticks with you.

A book I've read more than once:
Since I'm not much of a reader to begin with, to say I've read the same book twice isn't something I can say I've done too much, BUT... I have read Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Elliot more than once, and I highly recommend it.

One book I would want to have with me on a Deserted Island: My Bible

A book that made me laugh:
I don't think i've really read any hillarious books, but I have to admit, that I chuckled a little bit when I read Intended for Pleasure before I got married. It was just so incredibly blunt, which was good and i recommend it to any bride before she walks down the isle. The Wedding Night could be scary without it. : )

A book that made me cry:
There were some chapters in Seeing and Savouring Jesus Christ that I remember brought me to tears.

Book I am currently reading:
Well, despite my disclaimer at the top about not being much of a reader, I actually am currently reading a book, and it's a good book so far... In the Presence of My Enemies by Gracia Burnham. It's the story of the missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham who were held hostage in the Philipines for over a year.

Book I wish had never been written:
College Textbooks!! Don't get me wrong, I'm greatful for my education, but I hated reading assignments in college.

Book you've been meaning to read:
For Women Only - It has come highly recommended by many people, I just haven't gotten around to getting a copy.

Well, there you go amy. Hope you enjoyed my answers. Love you girl!!! By the way, I think it's only fair : ) I called you, now it's your turn to call me!! : ) Home:(864) 836-0139 Cell: (864) 918-7675


Eowyn's Heir said...

Hey I still have your wedding DVD ready to give you!!

Eowyn's Heir said...

...and dinner invites are totally welcome =) 'specially since I'm lonely without somebody these days... :(

Ashley Sarratt said...

Yes ... "For Women Only" is a good book! Read it soon!

Amy Donell Molina said...

you did a great job Kristin! I think your list is quite good! look... I´m nothing like Christina when it comes to reading... there is always some one out there that reads more than you do... so you just take books at your pace and enjoy them...don´t rush through them... it´s okay...we´ve got a whole life to enjoy books...and don´t worry...there will always been plenty to read. you know? Anyways... thank you Kristin!!!!!! I enjoyed it!