Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's a GIRL!

Here she is in all her glory!!

Yesterday we had our ultrasound, and to Brent's "disappointment" it's a girl.
We both were pretty convinced it was a boy, but as you can see we were both wrong!
Brent and I are very excited! And she's already got her daddy wrapped around her tiny finger!
We are so thankful for this tiny blessing and can't wait to meet her in November.

She's a fiesty little thing, she punched the ultrasound machine more than once!

There's nothing there!! It's a Girl!!
During the ultrasound she actually stuck her thumb in her mouth and we could see her suck on it. A habit soon to be nixed after birth!! : ) It was the most precious thing I had ever seen!!: )


melandaaron said...

I am so excited that we are both having girls.....they will be so cute together

Ashley Sarratt said...

Congratulations! You'll be a great mom! I love little girls. :o)

Kristen Hatfield said...

Congratulations Kristin! I'm so excited for you all.

Amy Donell Molina said...

Kristin.... why would you want to knix such a CUTE habit!!! Thumb suckers... you have to admit.... are cute... and you never forget their transferable object...because it's always right there with them! it's pretty convienent! anyways... we're excited (claudio and I) and I'm sure her and her cousin will just have a blast with tea parties, pajama parties and PINK! :)....
tia amy
ps... waiting to hear her name.

Amy Donell Molina said...