Friday, January 18, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Wednesday night we got our first "big" snow. I would say we got a good 3 inches. There are definite perks to living in the mountains, and snow is one of them. It just makes everything look so perfect. Brent and I just sat on the bed with Kaydence and watched it float down outside. Who needs a tv when you can sit for hours and watch snow fall. : ) This was Kaydence's first snow so of course we had to take pictures. I don't think she really cared to much about the snow, she slept through most of it. : ) Hope ya'll enjoy our little winter wonderland!

Wednesday Night

Kaydence and Mommy

Kaydence and Daddy

Trying to catch a snowflake on her tongue!

All bundled up
Thursday morning
It had already started to melt : (

Our Snow Gauge

Our Home in the Mountains


Kaydence enjoying the snow in her bear suit!

1 comment:

Eowyn's Heir said...

we just had snow here too-- how fun! Glad to see you enjoying life with your little one. And your house DOES look so mountainy... miss you!